You are Already Anointed

You Are Already Anointed

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you.

1 John 2:27 NKJ

 Why do you go to church? Are you like many Christians who go out of habit, or to salve their conscience, or maybe to check out the talent among the congregation?

But church shouldn’t be purely natural; we are a supernatural people!

Hopefully, we can move to the place where we put an end to church that is predictable and academic; Church should not just be a classroom, because God Himself is not someone we are supposed to simply learn about – He is alive and real and He wants us to have an ongoing experience with Him

Ours should be like when Paul preached in the book of Acts, and while He was still preaching, the Holy Spirit fell. Thus we will leave Church saying, today was time spent in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

 Some Churches go as far as to say that the times for those things has passed away and that our job is to focus on preaching the gospel so that people can get born again. No, we are to settle for a Christianity that is based on rhetoric and fine sounding sermons. Being born again is vital, but it is far from the fullness of what God has for us. In fact, it is just the beginning. If it was all about just getting born again, then God may as well let us die as soon as we make our decision for Him! But He doesn’t do that, because there is so much more that He has in store for us to experience of His goodness and power.

You can be one of two types of Christian: you can let your faith rest in the in the wisdom of men, which will work to some degree. The wisdom you receive will help you in many ways. But what will you do when you come up against something that you cannot shift in the natural realm?

Or, you can be someone whose faith rests in the power of God. You depend on and trust in the manifestation of the anointing to see the impossible accomplished in your life.

 Have you ever seen the power of God to the point where it challenges your natural thinking? If not, then you haven’t really experienced the anointing in your life. Yet the Word tells us that when you got born again, you received an anointing that abides. You have access to another realm – the realm of the supernatural!

 Jeremaih 2:13 gets to the heart of the problem:

“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.

 The day that any church group reject the Holy Ghost is the day that they lose touch with their real source of power. If you neglect His presence, you start to rely on people. If you bypass the possibility of the supernatural, you fall back on natural power to make things happen in your life.

God wants to flow through you like you are on His level. He wants you to be able to take care of business EVERY time. He wants you to be like Jesus, who healed THEM ALL!

The distinguishing hallmark of Jesus was that He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and POWER. According to the book of Acts chapter 10, this was the message that went all about the region concerning Him. This was the reason that people flocked to Him, and this was the reason that miracles constantly happened in His presence.

 We are supposed to operate just like our savior. There is power on the inside of you, but just like the electricity in my house, if I am ignorant of what I have and I fail to turn the switch, I will be groping in the dark like a man who has no electricity. I will find other ways of getting around my house – maybe light a candle to give me a little light, or even just go to bed and wait for the sun to come up.

Christians who don’t believe in the power within, and who fail to make a demand on it, are like sleeping giants, operating far below their ability and calling. It is as if they decided to live in a house with no lights, when electricity was available all the time!

It’s time to stir up the gift of God on the inside of you. It’s time to recharge your anointing and become hungry for God, and for the life that He has made available for you. Spend time in His presence. Pray until something in you changes and you become clear. You will get stronger and stronger as you stir yourself up. There are levels of glory that you will only access when you get stirred up!

 Praise Him until you know that you are in His presence, standing face to face. At that moment you know that you can access His power. Become quiet and yield to Him. Receive your answers; receive your fresh anointing and your infilling. Then step out ready to possess what you obtained in prayer.

Decide to step out beyond where you have gone before. Come to church expecting to hear and to be healed. Come expecting God to move in your circumstances. Come to church because it’s the place of His power!