Men’s Ministry
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Notice that when God made mankind, dominion and authority was given to men and women in partnership; “Let THEM have dominion….”
So often men claim the authority and dominion for themselves alone, but in reality God set it up so that men and women would have to work together in order to be maximized.
Pastor Legons is blessed with the wonderful gift to attract men to the ministry. He has a heart for all humanity, but especially for men to become Christian leaders and operate as God has ordained us to be. Leading strong families, leading in places of business and in all things Kingdom.
A variety of men’s ministry events are available that can help foster faith in God and promote fellowship at the same time. The point of a Christian group such as this is to help rid the false beliefs many men have and draw all of them closer to Christ. Learning to know God is an integral part of this kind of ministry.[gcal id=”299″]
At GHCF we offer a variety of Men’s Ministry Activities. Our guys experience a great sense of camaraderie whenever they come together around such activities as fishing trips that include our younger guys as well, Super Bowl gatherings, quarterly fellowship breakfast with men from other congregations, and even the male chorus, just to name a few of the activities. The question may be asked, What about the young men? Is anyone getting alongside them to help them work through the challenges of following God as a young person? We believed that this too is the call of the Christian community.ere The Word Of God Is Introducing You To Your New Self.