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About Greater Harvest Christian Fellowship

At GHCF, our aim is to create a culture where anyone can fit in because we are not bound by any particular Church tradition.
We are part of the “National Association Of The Church Of God”, but we are not a Denominational Church. We may be in Florida, but we aren’t a “Southern Church”. We understand that Jesus is not a local man, and so we cannot build A Church Culture that is based on any other culture. We have to build it on Kingdom Culture alone.

 Here Are Some Distinctives Of GHCF

Everyone is a Worshipper. When we come together, we come to meet with the King. There are no spectators, because all born again believers are Sons and Daughters of God.

Our Worship Experience

We meet each Sunday morning at 9:00 O’clock a.m. for our corporate Worship service as a local Fellowship of believers to celebrate the goodness of our God, and hear the word of God. We have a saying among ourselves which expresses our conviction of the impact of the word of God, “Greater Harvest Christian Fellowship is where the Word is introducing you to your new self”.

Sunday should not be the only day set aside to worship our God. For this reason, we at GHCF also have a mid-week service that provides more in-depth, personalized teachings. Our worship services are somewhat of a mixture of contemporary and traditional in that we are not geared to just one generation in our expression of worship. The dress is mostly casual and relaxed, Pastor Legons may sometimes wear a suit and tie, or may sometimes preach wearing slacks and a polo shirt.

We believe in lively and inspiring expressions of worship. Our praise team sings anointed contemporary song as well as traditional hymns. The word of God is presented with clarity and with an anointing that reaches the heart and soul of the congregation. In order to grow and continue faithfully in the things of God, we strongly encourage all members to attend as many of these weekly services as possible.