Your Life Should Be About Something Big

Acts 13:36a

For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers.

What Is Your Passion?

You were not born just to work at your secular job and have kids and then die. Surely you don’t think that can satisfy you? It is only fulfilling your purpose that will satisfy you. Every day you should breathe the purpose for which you live.

 I don’t want a shallow existence.  As a shepherd over God’s heritage, my constant request is, “give me someone to preach to”. Everything in me is focused on that aim because I have been infected with the purposes of God and I have so much of His word in my spirit. I am frustrated when I cannot talk about Jesus. The dangerous preacher is the one who has to preach because he can’t do anything else. As for me, fresh insight and revelation is what I want to give to people.

I am not trying to be popular, because I am not running for office, someone else will have to do that. I am focused on building the Church of Jesus Christ. I don’t play with it because I know that it is God who has entrusted these truths to me.

 As a Church leader I know that I must still open the Bible because it is the source of all the purposes of God. The Church of Jesus Christ is worth spending My life for. Satan should not win this generation.

What are you going to give your life to? What will you spend your life on?

We are bigger than the things that have got our attention, especially if those things are not giving meaning to someone else. Your life can give someone else purpose.

 You are not insignificant. When is your life going to be about something bigger than me, myself and I? Today we have an opportunity to live for something greater than ourselves and to make a mark on this generation that will last throughout eternity.

Again, the question is, how deep does this passion for the purpose of God go? Please know that when you rise God will make you stand on whatever platform you want to stand. The first question is, “will you serve the purpose of God in this generation?”